Time may seem to be in a standstill as everywhere the lull of the pandemic has given rise to a nationwide lockdown. While this may be the time to observe the rules and stay indoors, we are here to help you understand certain basic words that, currently, have become so popular. As everyone is talking about words like self-quarantine, let us take a closer look at this word and what it might possibly mean.

Defining self-quarantine

The concept of self-quarantine is explicitly for people who have been potentially exposed to the Covid19 virus. According to health experts, self-quarantine lasts for 14 days. In these two weeks, potential patients will have enough time to ascertain if they are ill and contagious to other people.

Self-quarantine’s importance

This process of isolation is not only important for the patient and his or her family but also for the general public. There is a term that is important for everyone to know and that is ‘flattening the curve’. What this term essentially means is that various protective measures are taken into action to slow the rate of Covid19 infection so that hospitals have enough facilities to treat every patient. If a large population suddenly becomes very sick then hospital authorities will be overwhelmed and would result in a shortage of proper medical care which is detrimental. Thus, it is important that every person in the country observes social distancing and self-quarantine.

How to make the most of your self-quarantine?

Now that we provided the information about self-quarantine, let us address how to make this period fruitful. A few questions that you can ask yourselves everyday that will help you make this period of isolation, a time of improvement.

We are listing down a few pertinent questions that one can ask themselves and introspect for a better day.

1. Am I practicing gratitude?

These are times where we all must work together but alone to win against coronavirus and such times require a strong will. That is why, gratitude can become important. Every morning as you ask yourselves what you are grateful for, practice writing down a few points. It can be the good health of your family, the healthy food you are eating, etc. Such a simple practice will ensure that you maintain a positive disposition throughout the day.

2. Am I an active contributor?

The world today is united in the fight against coronavirus and we all have an equally important part to play. As each one of us are at home, let us take this opportunity to be of service to our fellow people by sharing correct information on digital platforms, donating towards the upliftment of society and practicing social distancing while maintaining hygiene. Each contribution amounts to a large impact in this fight against coronavirus.

3. How am I spending my time?

As the majority of the workforce is now working from home, this also raises the concern of balancing work and life. It is important to also utilise this time to spend time with family and strengthen bonds. While work is always paramount, let us not ignore the finer aspects of life that we often take for granted. This is also a time to achieve all our goals- finishing that book, learning a new language, writing that script, or picking up the paintbrush.

As each one of us imparts the correct information which becomes our tools to fight Covid19 virus, let us also take this opportunity to be safe first and cultivate our hobbies so that, once this pandemic is over, we all notice a deeper transformation inside ourselves. We urge everyone to be safe and stay at home. Let us all contribute towards this fight against coronavirus and win together.